Digital dictation is the natural progression in technological terms from analogue tape based recorders to digital chip based recorders.
When UKTyping conceived the idea of providing offshore outsourced transcription services in 1992/3 one of our greatest challenges was that of transferring large voice files across the world at high speed and at low cost.
Sun Microsystems produced one of the first digital Dictaphones which we believe was available at a cost of several thousand pounds sterling. Very soon lower cost products came to the market. These products enabled recordings to be created in a digital form such that digital recordings could be handled much more flexibly.
Digital dictation has revolutionised the way in which the professionals dictate and arrange for their dictations to be transcribed. Digital dictation has enabled seamless flow of work between professional and secretary or transcription centre and enables businesses to fully utilise their resources and minimise overhead when producing documentation.
Digital Dictaphones provide the following advantages
- Compact in size
- Low maintenance because they have few moving parts
- Produce high quality recordings in a variety of formats
- Recordings can be compressed
- Recordings can be transmitted over the internet or a private network
- No more expensive than traditional analogue tape based recorders
- Recordings can be played back in another location perhaps
in another country with little or no depletion in sound quality.
We supply Olympus Dictaphones and are very satisfied with their functionality. We can transcribe for you no matter which make of Dictaphone you choose to use.
Alternatively, you can dispense with the need for a digital Dictaphone if you choose to use a Smart Phone. These are mobile phones which can record and transmit dictation as well as providing a host of other useful functions.
In addition you may wish to use dictation flow management software for internal use. This is not necessary for sending typing and transcription to UKTyping. We provide a free online work flow management facility to all our subscribers.