Plans which have been long in the making to raise the minimum legal age of marriage in the UK to 18 have made further progress in recent weeks. On 19th November 2021, the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Bill went through the House of Commons and passed its second reading and is now sitting […]
Divorce enquiries to lawyers surged by 95% in the wake of the pandemic, in one of the steepest ever rises. It’s expected that 2021 will see further increases as the effects of lockdowns are felt. It may be a small silver lining, but recent technology overhauls by the Courts service will at least allow unhappy […]
2020 has been a difficult year. Whatever area of life you look at, Covid-19 has in some shape or form had an impact. Experts estimate that around 24% of the UK’s work force faces redundancy, with country-wide economic activity down 30% from the month before lock-downs were enforced. Businesses are struggling, relationships are under unprecedented […]
The recent proposition for a no-fault divorce seeks to make the dissolution of a marriage simpler by removing the need to assign blame.
Divorce is ultimately the last step in the breakdown of a marriage. While it’s a stage no couple hopes to reach, unfortunately it can be the only remaining step to repairing the relationship, especially if children are involved. The process of a divorce can be a saddening and difficult for all parties, but it’s an […]
Family structures can be seriously complex, and there aren’t always biological parents in the picture. In fact, some children may be closer to their non-biological parents than their biological, and may never have even met their biological fathers. Family law gets a little complicated when it comes to defining the different rights of biological fathers […]
Facts and figures from Cath Karlin Divorce Law in Edinburgh.
On 17 May, the Supreme Court heard its first case on divorce itself (Owens v Owens [UKSC 2017/0077]). The case has reignited the debate over the current divorce system in England and Wales which has been in place since 1973. In this case, the husband successfully defended his wife’s divorce petition on the grounds that […]
Over the past 20 years, there has been a marked and steady rise in the number of older people who seek to get divorced – “grey divorce”. The trend continues in 2018 and here we examine the reasons for this and what those concerned can do to help them cope with the prospect effectively. Why […]
Recent data from the Office of National Statistics highlights that the marriage rate for women over the age of 65 has increased by 56 per cent in recent years, suggesting that, for some, marriage is as much about financial security as it is about love. One of the biggest financial concerns facing couples who decide […]
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