As lockdown restrictions ease, we can start to see more people heading back to workplaces across the country. But with more workers in one place, is there going to be a rise in the number of accidents and injuries happening on the job? Riskiest industries Throughout the pandemic, it has largely been office workers who […]
The trust placed on medical professionals stems from their supposed expertise and knowledge. But, there’s a big difference between theory and practice. Malpractice and misdiagnosis are common concerns anywhere you are in the world. Based on statistics, in the UK, there were around 11,000 clinical negligence claims reported to the NHS from 2018-2019. These incidents […]
The Civil Liabilities Act is scheduled for implementation at the end of this month (May). Known colloquially as the whiplash reforms, the Act has caused huge uproar in the legal sector. However, despite the protests, the government has pushed on with its decision and will be delivering its plan. The regulations were debated and approved […]
Last month, the UK government unveiled its new Graduate Immigration Route, claiming that it would allow the “brightest and the best international students” to remain in the country after they graduate. The visa will replace the UK’s previous Post Study Worker visa, which was scrapped in 2012, giving international graduates two years to find a job eligible […]
Whether you are a frequent flyer, or brand new to the concept of visas, the process can feel a little misguided and overwhelming. When it comes to getting your UK visa, there is no one quite like the professional immigration solicitor team in Birmingham to help take the stress out of the process. Whether you […]
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