Author: Mindy Gofton

Mindy Gofton is Head of Marketing Strategy & Innovation at I-COM in Manchester, a full service online marketing agency specialising in web design and digital marketing for the legal industry.

Chatbots for customer service

Does your law firm find call handling a challenge? Do you sometimes find yourself losing out on leads because your fee earners do not have enough time to follow up on enquiries? Many solicitors struggle to find the time to respond effectively to new enquiries while still managing their workloads, especially when many of these […]

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Do you need SEO or digital marketing?

One of the most difficult aspects of my job is helping people outside of the digital marketing industry understand the way search has changed over time and convincing them that when they come to us asking for “SEO”, now what they really need is digital marketing. It’s not that people do not understand, at a […]

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Social media monitoring

Social media monitoring is the act of tracking when a certain word or phrase gets mentioned on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. People use the internet regularly to look for recommendations and to express their opinions about the products and services they use. In addition, search engines have begun to use […]

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Adapting websites for mobile devices

As the number of people who own smartphones and tablets rises astronomically, law firms should be thinking about implementing a mobile site, creating an app or at least ensuring that their web site is responsive. If they do not, they risk frustrating users and losing valuable business. Recent studies have shown that more and more […]

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Keeping your website up to date

According to a recent study by ComScore, 70 per cent of people using search engines include a location modifier, eg “solicitors in Manchester”, to find an offline business and 54 per cent of searchers use the internet rather than the phone book to find services. However, it’s not just being found on search engines that’s […]

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