Big changes here at infolaw Towers! The Internet Newsletter for Lawyers is now an online-only publication. The Newsletter has been published bi-monthly in print and pdf since the late 90s and online on the infolaw website since 2007. But the time has come for us to concentrate our efforts on our online services. We have the same commitment to the quality of our content and will continue publishing the range of quality articles that you’ve come to expect but in a continuous stream rather than as bi-monthly issues. We’ve taken the opportunity also to give the site a new lick of paint with a more up to date design.
Thank you to all our subscribers who have supported us in the past and continue to follow us online. All existing subscribers will receive a monthly email alerting to the most recent articles, blog posts and other features. If you’re not already on the list, sign up here. You can of course also subscribe to the site RSS feed for updates.
These services are free to all interested in our content, so please do point your colleagues here.
We hope you continue to find value in the Newsletter and enjoy our latest content.
To maintain the quality of our content, we welcome contributions from practising and academic lawyers and other domain experts. To pay the bills we also carry sponsored content and advertising.
For all enquiries about contributions, sponsorship or advertising, drop me a line.
Best wishes
Nick Holmes
Editor Internet Newsletter for Lawyers
Email nickholmes@infolaw.co.uk.
Image: Internet by Nick Youngson cc-by-sa 3.0 Alpha Stock Images