Delia Venables’ long-standing and, many would say, iconic Legal Resources website has been relaunched at www.venables.co.uk. First published in 1995 when the legal web was in its infancy, it has grown continually in scope and size and now contains several hundred pages of listings, describing tens of thousands of websites. It remains one of the most useful legal portal sites on the web for the UK and maintains very high authority and trust rankings.
This new incarnation of Venables Legal Resources is published and managed by infolaw, with me at the helm. As long-time publishing partners, Delia and I have collaborated on our respective websites since 1995 and jointly edited the Internet Newsletter for Lawyers and the Internet for Lawyers CPD service for barristers and solicitors for over 13 years.
The new Venables site will continue to provide a wide range of links to useful legal resources; it is designed to be of use to the legal community and also to individuals and businesses looking for legal resources or looking for solicitors to help them with their legal problems. The emphasis is on free and low cost resources and innovative new services and applications.
We have largely retained all existing content and have improved the organisation and navigation with straightforward menus. All content will be reviewed, updated and improved over the coming months.
We have converted the popular New page describing significant new legal websites and developments to blog format which more vividly showcases the sites, highlighting the most recent on the home page.
Check it out and let me know what you think.