I have lived with the Internet Newsletter for Lawyers for 20 years. I started it as an adjunct to the Venables website www.venables.co.uk but it soon developed a life of its own. It was of course only provided in printed form originally. I remember how it had to be written, printed, collated, packed up and addressed on my kitchen table, stamps stuck on and taken down to the post office in big bundles, together with associated admin relating to managing the subscriptions. It was very “physical” work but a great deal of fun and I felt very advanced.
Eventually, it became possible to publish the Newsletter also online, thus matching the actuality to the title! Since Nick Holmes came in with me, the Newsletter has continued to provide timely and interesting news and information on what lawyers are doing on the internet – and what more they could do with it, if they tried that little bit harder.
Many eminent lawyers and associated professionals have contributed articles to the Newsletter over the years and continue to do so. It does not seem to be running out of topics to cover and indeed, under Nick’s excellent leadership in the last couple of years, it has continued to flourish and develop.
So now, I am saying “goodbye” to the Newsletter, as well as the Venables website (which is now also in Nick’s capable hands) although I will certainly keep in touch. My very best wishes to all the loyal readers who have supported the Internet Newsletter for Lawyers over the years.
Delia Venables founded her Legal Resources website in 1995 and the Internet Newsletter for Lawyers in 1998. She has edited the Newsletter jointly with Nick Holmes since 2007. Email deliavenables@gmail.com. Twitter @deliavenables.
Farewell Delia and thanks for running such a useful resource for the last 20+ years.
Best of luck in whatever you do next.
Delia, we have shared parts of this journey from the very beginning – probably before 1995 – throughout which you have been an inspiration, friend and source of pragmatic insight on legal technology from those early days. I am delighted to still be working with clients today that you and I worked with together way back then. Contributing to the newsletter over the years has helped Inpractice to get our message out to a forward-thinking group of readers – so thankyou for that too. All the best to you and we will of course keep in touch.
The most selfless legal website that I read over the years. A true trendsetter, thorough, potent, and all-encompassing. I will miss Delia’s new finds, articles, legal tech, books et al.
Am almost a year late to know about the transition to Infolaw, but better late than never!
Best to Delia Venables!!