The “fully updated” second print edition of The Law Society Guide to Good Practice includes 100 current Law Society practice notes, plus details of useful contacts and further resources, an index and tables of citations. It is 972 pp, weighs 1.5 kg, occupies 4.3 cm of shelf space and costs £60.
All 119 current Law Society Practice Notes are published online at www.lawsociety.org.uk/support-services/advice/practice-notes/. You need to create a My Law Society account to access them, but anyone may do so. The service weighs 0 kg, occupies 0 cm of shelf space and costs £0. The site’s search facility is good enough to find you what you’re after.
Who would buy the print tome? Beats me. It will quickly go out of date as new practice notes are published. Then what? The first edition was published in 2009, which gives some indication of the problem.
I may be wrong. If you would buy this, drop me a line. On a postcard please. Ed.