Barristers who have still to complete their 2017 CPD requirements and records can quickly and easily complete their CPD with our CPD 2017 service.
Our Internet for Lawyers CPD competence courses guide you, via online articles and exercises, through the legal resources and tools available, help you understand the internet and the legal issues it raises and assist you in the practical application of internet services to your legal practice.
Our service sets up a CPD plan for you and maintains records compliant with the new Bar Standards Board requirements.
We’ve also produced an article Guidance for barristers on the new CPD requirements to help you.
Barristers to face CPD spot checks
According to The Law Society Gazette, barristers will face spot checks on whether they comply with the “controversial” new CPD rules. The Bar Standards Board’s Education and Training Committee’s annual report, discussed at a recent board meeting, says that “spot checks will commence in early 2018.” An assessment framework for the process was considered by the committee and the plans will be finalised at the committee’s next meeting.