Day: 11 May 2015

Transparency: promoting public understanding of the law

Law is a complicated subject and its effect on people’s lives can be hard to explain. But in certain areas the traditional media, particularly at the tabloid end of the spectrum, are notoriously prone to bias and misrepresentation. Three areas of law where this is particularly noticeable are family, crime and human rights. In all […]

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My Social Media: Bill Jones

I often wonder how or why busy professionals find the time (or even have the inclination to find the time) to spend endless hours using Facebook and other social media sites to tell the world what they are up to, what they like and what they don’t like. I just don’t get it, but maybe […]

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The new emplaw online

The UK’s first specialist employment law website – emplaw online – has been re-launched in January 2015 to provide authoritative, independent and up-to-date information to lawyers, advisors, HR professionals and anyone keen to stay on top of employment law. Constantia Associates, of which Ian Perry and I are the major shareholders, bought the website after […]

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Veyo – the future of conveyancing?

I began my conveyancing career in 1974 as an office boy with J W Ward & Sons in Bristol, Halcyon days: postal exchanges, personal completions, unregistered titles aplenty, a few legal indemnity insurance policies because experienced conveyancers could “take a view”. Less stress, hassle and anxiety for all concerned. Wind the clock forward 40 plus […]

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Take care when users post on your website

One of the decisions that website owners often need to make these days is whether to allow people to add comments or other content to their website. Of itself, this isn’t a legal issue, but a decision to allow comments or other user content on a website does give rise to legal considerations. These considerations […]

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Setting up a commercial firm on a virtual model

I founded Summerfield Browne Solicitors at the beginning of 2014. The firm specialises in advising on business and commercial law and we offer these services throughout England and Wales. We advise a wide range of companies from start-up to established international companies and from a diverse range of sectors. We now have offices in London, […]

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The Internet of Things: an introduction

The Internet of Things (IoT) is, literally, the network of all the physical things connected to the internet. (Generally we now refer to things capable of connecting to the internet as “smart” things.) We started with just computer terminals connected to the internet and that remained the way it was for 15 years or so. […]

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