The UKSC Blog was founded in the summer of 2009 to mark the move of the Law Lords from the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords across the road to the Supreme Court. It was set up by Dan Tench of Olswang LLP and Hugh Tomlinson QC of Matrix Chambers as a blog dedicated to the judgments and other developments concerning the newly established court. The editorial team now comprises half a dozen barristers, solicitors and legal researchers who fit blogging in around their practices.
As well as commentary on the cases heard by the Supreme Court in the UK, the blog covers key developments in supreme courts of other jurisdictions, and has published several notable features over the years, including an interview with Lady Hale, contributions from Lyle Denniston of scotusblog.com and from other lawyers and legal bloggers, and coverage of the UKSC Blog Essay Competition, which last year was run in partnership with the Supreme Court and The Guardian. We also have regular artistic contributions from Isobel Williams, who attends and sketches hearings at the Supreme Court.
We aim to post content on a daily basis on weekdays. During the court term, each working week is book-ended by a post on a Monday summarising some of the highlights in the week to come and by a post on a Friday that rounds up some legal news of interest from the week that was (called “The Week That Was”).
The bread and butter content on the blog are case previews, which anticipate the hearing of cases before the Supreme Court, and case comments, which summarise the Court’s decisions and provide commentary regarding the impact of each decision on that particular area of law. Due to the variety of cases that are heard by the Supreme Court, our panel of contributors comprises barristers and solicitors across a wide range of practice areas from human rights and media law through to tax and employment law.
The blog uses WordPress hosted externally. Each time a new post is published our subscribers receive an email alert that contains a taster of and a link to the post itself. The UKSC Blog also has a Twitter feed @UKSCBlog.
The blog has a strong following made up of a mixture of legal practitioners and students. It also attracts international readers, particularly from the US and Asia. It is unique in the extent and depth of its coverage of Supreme Court cases, and we attempt to balance out the technical, legal commentary with some shorter and more informal posts.
Cathryn Hopkins is co-editor of the UKSC Blog and a Commercial Litigation solicitor at Olswang LLP.
Email editors@ukscblog.com. Twitter @UKSCBlogcom.