Justis are exclusively extending their coverage of the Irish Reports on Justis by 81 years, all the way back to 1838. They also become the first publisher in Ireland to offer the authoritative case reports as printable PDFs replicating original pagination.
Sinéad Nà Chúlacháin, Editor of the Irish Reports at the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for Ireland, said: “We are delighted that we can finally make our comprehensive archive of 170 years of reports of the Superior Courts of Ireland available in a user-friendly, accessible PDF database. The expanded Irish Reports on Justis will provide an invaluable tool and the addition of pre-independence reports will be of particular interest to other common-law jurisdictions.”
These reports will also be of use to lawyers in Northern Ireland, providing access to reports from the pre-Partition Irish Courts. Given the two-way binding precedent of that era, the material will also be pertinent to lawyers in England and Wales. Extending the archive by over 7,000 cases, the expanded section of the database, along with PDFs for the full range, will be available late summer; while many PDFs of the existing cases are already in place.
See Justis for more on this